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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2021

Ich bin was Besonderes (3808004916)

Wie spreche ich mit einem Kind/Jugendlichen über seine Diagnose "Autismus"? Mit "Ich bin was Besonderes" hat Peter Vermeulen ein Arbeitsbuch entwickelt, das Eltern, Lehrern und Therapeuten praktische Hilfestellungen und konkrete Arbeitsmaterialien an die Hand gibt, um betroffenen Kindern und Jugendlichen ihre Diagnose verständlich zu erschließen. Die sorgfältig aufeinander abgestimmten Themen erarbeitet das Kind gemeinsam mit einem Erwachsenen. Alle Materialien berücksichtigen inhaltlich und von der Gestaltung her die besondere Art, in der Kinder mit Autismus Informationen verarbeiten.Das Buch ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil umfasst neben einer Einführung in die Handhabung der Arbeitsblätter auch wichtige Hinweise zum Prozess der Diagnosevermittlung an betroffene Kinder und Jugendliche. Der zweite Teil besteht aus einer Serie von Arbeitsblättern, aus denen das Kind ein persönliches Buch über sich selbst erstellen kann. Basierend auf einer positiven Sich...

Insurance Handbook for the Medical Office - Text, Workbook, 2008 ICD-9-CM, Volumes 1 & 2 Standard Edition and 2007 CPT Standard Edition Package (9781416052579)

This money-saving package includes Fordney: Insurance Handbook for the Medical Office, 9th Edition, Text and Workbook, Saunders 2008 ICD-9-CM, Volumes 1 & 2 Standard Edition and CPT 2007 Professional Edition. Please note that due to special assembly requirements, this package may take up to 10 business days for shipping. If you need immediate assistance, please call customer service at 1-800-545-2522. Product details Format Paperback Dimensions 216 x 279 x 114mm | 5,352g ...

Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition : The Hardware/Software Interface (9780128201091)

Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Sixth Edition, the leading, award-winning textbook from Patterson and Hennessy used by more than 40,000 students per year, continues to present the most comprehensive and readable introduction to this core computer science topic. Improvements to this new release include new sections in each chapter on Domain Specific Architectures (DSA) and updates on all real-world examples that keep it fresh and relevant for a new generation of students. Product details Format Paperback | 832 pages Dimensions 191 x ...

Eliminowanie zagrozen korupcyjnych w systemie zarzadzania organizacja medyczna (9788381020466)

Polska jest postrzegana jako kraj o dużej korupcji, występującej we wszystkich obszarach życia społeczno-gospodarczego i politycznego. Najbardziej społecznie szkodliwa jest korupcja w: - administracji - ponieważ nieetyczne zachowania urzędnika dają moralne przyzwolenie na podobne zachowania przez obywatela, u którego rodzi się brak zaufania do prawa; - ochronie zdrowia - gdzie jest bardziej etycznie naganna niż w innych branżach, bo jej stawką jest zdrowie i życie pacjenta. Doświadczenia krajów o niskiej korupcji wskazują, że walka z nią jest działaniem wielopłaszczyznowym, angażującym wszystkie instytucje państwa i całe społeczeństwo, a widoczne jej efekty mogą pojawić się w następnych pokoleniach. Działania doraźne zamiast zmniejszyć mogą zwiększyć zjawisko korupcji. Opracowanie koncentruje się na przeciwdziałaniu korupcji w relacjach placówki medycznej z pacjentem, mając świadomość występowania korupcji w innych obszarach ochrony zdrowia (NFZ, kwalifikowanie świadczeń oraz leków i...

Medical Leadership : A Toolkit for Service Development and System Transformation (9781138217355)

Today's health care systems need doctors and consultants to act as leaders, within the multi-disciplinary team, in addition to carrying out their clinical role. This book identifies the key elements of successful leadership through 'medically led' service development and systems transformation and shows how this benefits patient care, particularly when patients become partners in the process. The authors provide a conceptual framework of medical leadership and a set of scientific methods and tools that make a significant contribution to advancing quality and transforming services in healthcare. On top of this, they present analytical tools which medical professionals can use to support their own improvement or system transformation strategy, including ways of measuring improvement and the returns on investment of medical leadership. Woven throughout the book are real-life case studies from medical leaders across the world, providing students with valuable practical insigh...

Business Process Management in Healthcare Organizations (9781733692847)

This book is an overview of healthcare organization business processes including business process management approaches as well as a discussion of healthcare organization entrepreneurship as a business process. This book is for you if you are interested in the world of business processes and business process management in healthcare organizations in the United States. This book is for those with a developing interest in healthcare organization operations as they pertain to business processes and their management. It is also suitable for those who have some expertise, but who wish an overview or refresher of these topics. Unlike most other texts, this book has an agenda or purpose aimed at aiding the reader. The book knows that you have your own specific personal goals regarding business processes in healthcare organizations (e.g., improve your ability to facilitate the management of business processes in a healthcare organization, improve your healthcare administration skills, learn mo...

Healthcare Systems Management: Methodologies and Applications : 21st Century Perspectives of Asia (9789811056307)

This edited volume focuses on research conducted in the area of healthcare systems management. Chapters are extensions of works presented at the International Conference on Management of Ergonomic Design, Industrial Safety and Healthcare Systems. The book addresses the need to have the knowledge of technological and resource management, clinical performances and quality of healthcare delivery systems in order to make hospital systems well and adequately designed and operationally effective ensuring the quality of healthcare to patients. It is a useful resource for students, researchers, industrial professionals and design engineers. Product details Format Hardback | 135 pages ...

Lass dich nicht vergiften! (3833824999)

Alle chronischen Erkrankungen basieren laut Umweltmediziner Dr. med. Joachim Mutter auf Vergiftungen. Meist wird nur symptomatisch behandelt, für eine erfolgreiche Therapie ist aber die Kenntnis der zahlreichen Ursachen - ob Mobilfunk, Pestizide oder Weichmacher - nötig. Neben der Darstellung krankmachender Faktoren und wie man sie meiden kann, werden wirksame Therapien beschrieben, mit denen man seinen Körper nachhaltig bei der Entgiftung unterstützen kann. Dabei wird das Beste aus moderner Umweltmedizin und Naturheilkunde in Dr. Mutters speziellen Entgiftungsprogramm kombiniert: Schwermetallausleitung, Ernährungsumstellung, Sport und Vitalstoffergänzung. Im letzten Teil des Buches werden die häufigsten Krankheiten beschrieben und spezielle Wege zur Selbsthilfe aufgezeigt, die über das Basisprogramm hinausgehen. So hilft dieser Ratgeber den Betroffenen beim Umgang mit der chronischen Erkrankung und liefert wertvolle Hinweise zu Diagnostik, Ausleitungsverfahren und Therapie. ...

Aquascaping (3833824115)

Aquascaping heißt der neue Trend! Legen Sie los und kreieren Sie Ihre eigene Unterwasserlandschaft. Eine Felsformation, eine Baumgruppe, der Ausschnitt eines Tals: Anregungen finden Sie überall in der Natur. Denn Aquascapes bilden nicht unbedingt nur ein Szenario in einem Unterwasserlebensraum wie Fluss oder See nach, sondern sie entsprechen vielmehr attraktiven Überwasserlandschaften. Oliver Knott, Weltmeister im Aquascaping, und der bekannte Aquaristik-Fotograf Chris Lukhaup stellen im Ratgeber GU Tier Spezial Aquascaping 30 einzigartige Gestaltungsbeispiele für die Einrichtung wunderschöner Unterwasserlandschaften vor - von Small (bis 20-Liter-Becken) über Medium (20 bis 60 Liter) bis Large (ab 60 Liter). Lassen Sie sich zum Nach- und Selbstgestalten animieren. Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen und Gestaltungspläne machen alles leicht nachvollziehbar. Dazu gibt es alle wichtigen Infos, die man zum Einrichten braucht, in Text und Bild. Dieser Ratgeber zeigt: Aquascapen kann jeder! ...

Understanding Social Work : Preparing for Practice (9781137497093)

Focusing on the challenges of achieving good practice, Understanding Social Work reflects recent developments in social work within the context of contemporary society, law and policy. This popular text continues to offer an excellent foundation for readers for anyone wanting a better understanding of the social work role. Product details Format Paperback | 240 pages Dimensions 156 x 234 x 15.24mm | 373g ...

Patience, Patients Everywhere : Nor any time to think (9781911510260)

Fran is a widely-published cartoonist with a special interest in medicine and healthcare. His cartoons regularly appear in Private Eye and GP Magazine, amongst others. This collection of his witty and acerbic cartoons poke fun at the absurdities of General Practice, from the endless form-filling and shifting targets driven by a top-down bureaucracy that doesn't really understand family medicine, through the ever-increasing demands of patients who have self-diagnosed online, to the confusions caused by patient-doctor misunderstandings. Its humorous, sideways glance at the world of the 10-minute consultation is a welcome antidote to the stresses and strains of modern General Practice. The cartoons will entertain and raise the spirits of the overburdened GP, and may even show patients how their behaviour impacts on the treatment they receive. Product details Format ...

Qualitative Metasynthesis : A Research Method for Medicine and Health Sciences (9780367134181)

Qualitative Metasynthesis presents a research method developed for upcycling and synthesis of qualitative primary studies, aimed at researchers within medicine and health sciences. This book demonstrates how and why qualitative metasynthesis can be a method for reuse and expansion of medical knowledge. It presents the principles of metasynthesis as a qualitative research method, so that the reader can assess whether this is a research strategy that fits the aim of their study. The author offers practical advice for conducting research using this methodology. The presentation is illustrated by a study carried out by the author and collaborators, reflecting on real-life challenges and solutions as an example of meta-ethnography, one of the most frequently used strategies for qualitative metasynthesis. The author also looks at systematic reviews, a methodology developed within in the tradition of evidence-based medicine, discussing strengths, weaknesses and pitfalls of this methodology. R...

Let's Do It: The Authorised Biography of Victoria Wood (9781409184096)

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'I was born with a warped sense of humour and when I was carried home from being born it was Coronation Day and so I was called Victoria but you are not supposed to know who wrote this anyway it is about time I unleashed my pent-up emotions in a bitter comment on the state of our society but it's not quite me so I think I shall write a heart-warming story with laughter behind the tears and tears behind the laughter which means hysterics to you Philistines...' From 'Pardon?' by Vicky Wood, Aged 14. Bury Grammar School (Girls) Magazine, 1967 In her passport Victoria Wood listed her occupation as 'entertainer' - and in stand-up and sketches, songs and sitcom, musicals and dramas, she became the greatest entertainer of the age. Those things that might have held her back - her lonely childhood, her crippling shyness and above all the disadvantage of being a woman in a male-run industry - she turned to her advantage to make extra...

Medical Humanities Companion : v. 1 (9781846192869)

The phrase 'medical humanities' has a currency that is wider than any agreement as to what it means, though those engaged in the field usually know what they are attempting. This volume examines the idea of 'symptom' as a route to understanding the structure of clinical practice. Actual symptoms are always experienced by real, actual individuals - however much those experiences are mediated by language, culture, expectation and the conventions of the clinical consultation. And this in turn is important because it reminds us that health, illness, well-being, suffering are first and foremost aspects of experience. This book asks questions - and offers answers - about the meaning of actual symptoms and of the concept of 'symptom' as a prelude to a cumulative interdisciplinary understanding of illness as a source of human need, and clinical medicine as a human response to it. Product details ...

Processing : A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists (9780262028288)

The new edition of an introduction to computer programming within the context of the visual arts, using the open-source programming language Processing; thoroughly updated throughout. The visual arts are rapidly changing as media moves into the web, mobile devices, and architecture. When designers and artists learn the basics of writing software, they develop a new form of literacy that enables them to create new media for the present, and to imagine future media that are beyond the capacities of current software tools. This book introduces this new literacy by teaching computer programming within the context of the visual arts. It offers a comprehensive reference and text for Processing (, an open-source programming language that can be used by students, artists, designers, architects, researchers, and anyone who wants to program images, animation, and interactivity. Written by Processing's cofounders, the book offers a definitive reference for students and prof...

Courting Etranger (9781634421850)

Tokyiwa and Kuragano are nothing alike but they can't get other out of their minds! After an encounter at a small shrine, they believe that they might be under the spell of a matchmaker that compels them together. They make a plan to completely avoid each other, but the harder they try, the greater their temptations become. Can they avoid each other or will they be consumed by fate? Product details Format Paperback | 230 pages Dimensions 150 x 208 x 20.32mm ...

Bailey's Tree House Adventures (9781498459853)

The tale of Bailey continues in book #2 of the Bailey's Tree House Adventure series. She and her 5th grade class are assigned a pen pal for English class and have the opportunity to write to other children around the world. Hoping that she and her new friend will have a lot in common, Bailey is taken on a new adventure that teaches her about where true happiness is found.Janet Elliott skillfully weaves spiritual and moral lessons through the fabric of the story in such a way that young readers will be caught up in the plot line but will be strengthened in biblical truths as well.Facebook page http // The author, Janet Elliott at home in Montana with her dogs, Jazzy (a black cockapoo) and Tyson (a white morkie). Product details Format Pa...

Growing Up with Relatives : Dad's Side (9781950034031)

Every young child needs a furry companion. When I was a kid, Jack, the dog, was my best friend. When I was outside, which was most of the time, we were inseparable. We explored everything from the thick woods just down the road, to the ditches overflowing with water after a hard rain. Come and join us as you read about these hilarious true stories and many more. Product details Format Paperback | 92 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 6mm | 122g ...

The Unschooling Handbook : How to Use the Whole World As Your Child's Classroom (9780761512769)

To Unschoolers, Learning Is As Natural As Breathing Did you know that a growing percentage of home schoolers are becoming unschoolers? The unschooling movement is founded on the principle that children learn best when they pursue their own natural curiosities and interests. Without bells, schedules, and rules about what to do and when, the knowledge they gain through mindful living and exploration is absorbed more easily and enthusiastically. Learning is a natural, inborn impulse, and the world is rich with lessons to be learned and puzzles to be solved. Successful unschooling parents know how to stimulate and direct their children's learning impulse. Once you read this book, so will you! Product details Format Paperback | 240 pages ...

I'm A Big Sister Now : The Journey Begins (9781492934790)

As Andi carefully prepares for her fast approaching and life-changing encounter, she wonders, "What will life be like as a big sister?" Andi anxiously awaits the arrival of her baby sister Alex. The perfect conditions are being created in what will become some of their most exciting adventures. Now a riveting children's book series, The Adventures of Alex and Andi are filled with eye-catching artwork and sweet, rhyming text. Come join Alex and Andi on the adventure that started it all... Product details Format Paperback | 28 pages Dimensions 203 x 254 ...

Contact with God (9780385509947)

With more than two million copies of his books in print, Anthony de Mello remains one of the world's most popular spiritual guides. In Contact with God, he draws upon his persuasive lectures and personal parables to guide readers through their own spiritual retreats. Nowhere is Anthony de Mello's characteristic warmth and insight more evident than in the series of talks he gave while guiding retreats. Known throughout the world as one of the foremost religious guides, de Mello offers here the transcripts from his beloved lectures, inspiring readers going on retreat and including suggestions for how to get the most out of the retreat experience. In Contact with God (reissued and available for the first time from Image), he intersperses his descriptions of various types of prayer with stories from his own life, as well as the thought-provoking parables for which he is best known. Product details ...

Tus Ancestros Quieren Que Sanes (9798614655389)

En este libro "Tipo Manual" está escrito para una fácil comprensión que te permitirá a través de esta lectura ir incorporando y aprendiendo todo acerca del Transgeneracional. No necesitas tener conocimientos previos ya que todo lo que necesitas saber lo encontrarás en éstas páginas. Facilitará el trabajo de Consteladores familiares y de Terapeutas ya que este conocimiento es la base de todas las Terapias. El Prólogo del libro fue escrito por Lain García Calvo, autor del Best Seller La Voz de tu Alma.Acá un breve resumen de los otros dos libros que forman parte de la Trilogía: Vol.2: "Sanarás Cuando Decidas Hacerlo"Guía Práctica de Autoconocimiento y Sanación Personal.Descubrirás exactamente cuáles son tus heridas, en qué momento se generaron, y tendrás herramientas para trabajar estas heridas a tu favor. Comprenderás la importancia de reconectar con tu infancia y tu niño interior para despertar la alegría y motivación en tu vida.Vol.3: "Historias Reales Transge...