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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2021

Ich bin was Besonderes (3808004916)

Wie spreche ich mit einem Kind/Jugendlichen über seine Diagnose "Autismus"? Mit "Ich bin was Besonderes" hat Peter Vermeulen ein Arbeitsbuch entwickelt, das Eltern, Lehrern und Therapeuten praktische Hilfestellungen und konkrete Arbeitsmaterialien an die Hand gibt, um betroffenen Kindern und Jugendlichen ihre Diagnose verständlich zu erschließen. Die sorgfältig aufeinander abgestimmten Themen erarbeitet das Kind gemeinsam mit einem Erwachsenen. Alle Materialien berücksichtigen inhaltlich und von der Gestaltung her die besondere Art, in der Kinder mit Autismus Informationen verarbeiten.Das Buch ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil umfasst neben einer Einführung in die Handhabung der Arbeitsblätter auch wichtige Hinweise zum Prozess der Diagnosevermittlung an betroffene Kinder und Jugendliche. Der zweite Teil besteht aus einer Serie von Arbeitsblättern, aus denen das Kind ein persönliches Buch über sich selbst erstellen kann. Basierend auf einer positiven Sich...

Die Geschichte der Welt (3406711693)

Ewald Frie erzählt die Geschichte der Welt erstmals ganz voraussetzungslos aus einer wahrhaft globalen Perspektive. Athen rückt so an den Rand, aber das traumhaft schöne Kilwa in Afrika wird niemand vergessen, der dieses mit wunderbarer Leichtigkeit geschriebene Buch gelesen hat. Die Geschichte der Welt wird bis heute von Europa aus erzählt. Höchste Zeit für einen frischen Blick: Australien wurde vom Homo sapiens früher besiedelt als Europa. Menschen fuhren Tausende Kilometer über den offenen Pazifik, als die Römer noch ängstlich an der Küste entlangsegelten. Die Pyramiden und Städte Amerikas können es mit Babylon und Ägypten aufnehmen. Und während Westeuropa in der Neuzeit Glaubenskriege führte, erstreckte sich ein multikultureller Handelsraum von Ungarn bis Südindien. Aber natürlich geht es auch um die Barbaren im Abendland: Ewald Frie erzählt von ihren Entdeckungen und Eroberungen, ihren Revolutionen und Kriegen, die die Welt verändert haben. Seitdem wird unser Planet zu einer glob...

Pierced and Embraced (9780802416315)

How would you describe the love of God? Throughout the Gospel accounts, Jesus engaged women differently than He did men. Sometimes the difference is subtle. Sometimes it is stark. Always it is profound. Sometimes the love He offers them is gentle. Sometimes it is fierce. Always it is powerful. Sometimes that love feels like a warm embrace. Sometimes it's more like a piercing jab. Always, it changes everything. Women today long to experience the same sort of life-changing love that Jesus lavished on His followers 2000 years ago. We still want to be completely seen and known and valued and set free--as painful as that process might sometimes be. Pierced and Embraced digs deeply into seven encounters that Jesus had with a wide variety of women in the Gospels to show how His love can be equally transformative in our lives today. It mixes attentive Scriptural engagement with personal narrative and relevant application, making the content fresh, accessible, engaging, and practical. You w...

Socialism Utopian and Scientific (9781511594592)

This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them. Product details Format Paperback | 38 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 2mm | 64g Publication date 06 Apr 2015 ...

The Book of Women (9781250006240)

In the second book in Osho's Foundation of a New Humanity series, he explores the integral role of women in our society. The realm of spirituality, he poses, has remained male-dominated - not only male-dominated but male-chauvinistic. There were reasons why all religions and spiritual traditions, in their nascent forms, diminished women. They were against women because they were fear-driving. They were against any joy, any love, any celebration. The simple way to drive fear was to condemn women, and separate her from man as much as possible. In The Book of Women, Osho strives to separate spirituality from its ascetic past and celebrate women. He looks to the female spirit as a way of nurturing the soul and cultivating a healthy relationship with spirituality. Product details Format Paperback ...

Vanishing Point : Perspective for Comics from the Ground Up (1581809549)

Master perspective like the pros! "Vanishing Point" shows you how to conquer the fundamentals of perspective drawing and then equips you with technical tricks and tools that make dynamic and complex scenes a snap. This complete guide helps you build your understanding of perspective to an intuitive level so you can draw anything you can imagine. Inside you'll find: Complete instruction on drawing in one-, two- and three-point perspective and four- and five-point curvilinear perspective (where "straight" lines are drawn as curves). Curvilinear perspective has not been taught in any other perspective book - until now!Full-color, step-by-step demonstrations move you beyond the theories and let you practice the techniques in real scenes.A special chapter on drawing curves helps you break out of the box and draw cylinders, ellipses, cars and, most importantly, people in perfect perspective.Shortcuts and tips show you how to create believable perspective in no time fl...

Fox in Socks : Dr. Seuss's Book of Tongue Tanglers (9780307931801)

Find out how wacky words can be with Dr. Seuss and the Fox in Socks in this classic book of tounge tanglers--now in a board format perfect for the littlest of readers! This rhyming romp includes chicks with bricks, chewy blue glue, a noodle eating poodle, and so much more! Just try to keep your tongue out of trouble! Seuss piles his the energetic rhymes into a mountain of hilarity that the whole family will enjoy. Rhyming has never been this fun! Bright and Early Board Books are simplified editions of your favorite Dr. Seuss stories, printed in a sturdy board format that's perfect for little hands ages 0-3! At 4 1/4 x 5 3/4, they're about 1/4 the size of the classic large format Seuss picture books like The Lorax and Oh, The Places You'll Go! and ideal for babies and toddlers too young for the original stories. Product details For ages ...

How to Fail : Everything I'Ve Ever Learned from Things Going Wrong (9780008327354)

***Elizabeth Day's new novel Magpie is publishing this September and is available to pre-order now.*** Inspired by her hugely popular podcast, How To Fail is Elizabeth Day's brilliantly funny, painfully honest and insightful celebration of things going wrong. This is a book for anyone who has ever failed. Which means it's a book for everyone. If I have learned one thing from this shockingly beautiful venture called life, it is this: failure has taught me lessons I would never otherwise have understood. I have evolved more as a result of things going wrong than when everything seemed to be going right. Out of crisis has come clarity, and sometimes even catharsis. Part memoir, part manifesto, and including chapters on dating, work, sport, babies, families, anger and friendship, it is based on the simple premise that understanding why we fail ultimately makes us stronger. It's a book about learning from our mistakes and about not being afraid. Uplifting, inspiring and r...

Index (9783406547782)

Der Vatikan und die verbotenen Bücher Das Christentum ist eine Buchreligion - und doch oder gerade deshalb verbrennt es Bücher: die Heilige Schrift genauso wie medizinische, juristische, naturwissenschaftliche, belletristische, klassische, theologische und philosophische Literatur. Das Medium Buch ist so gefährlich, dass sich die kirchliche Autorität lange nur mit Bücherverboten zu helfen wusste. Im Vatikan lagert dazu eine Fülle von höchst aufschlussreichem Material: ein einmaliges Archiv neuheitlicher Wissenskultur mit negativem Vorzeichen. Hubert Wolf bietet einen Überblick über Entstehung, Geschichte und Arbeitsweise der Indexkongregation und beschreibt, wie Bücher in ihr Visier gerieten, wer die Zensoren waren, die die "gefährlichen" Bücher lasen, und welche Folgen eine Verurteilung hatte. Nicht zuletzt erzählt er von überraschenden Prozessen und Urteilen, etwa gegen den "Knigge" und "Onkel Toms Hütte", gegen Leopold von Rankes Papstgeschichte oder We...

HTML5 and CSS3, Illustrated Complete (1305394046)

Master the latest HTML5 and CSS3 skills to create exceptional web design with this practical, user-friendly book from the popular Illustrated Series. HTML5 AND CSS3 ILLUSTRATED COMPLETE, 2E addresses basic to advanced concepts and skills for developing dynamic web pages and websites using the most current versions of HTML5 and CSS3. Learn to create websites that incorporate forms, videos, JavaScript, cutting-edge CSS3, and more. Updates throughout this new edition introduce key principles of responsive design while integrating mobile design and testing. This edition provides the "nuts-and-bolts" for beginner and the flexibility to brush up on the basics and quickly move to more advanced topics for more experienced user. Each two-page spread focuses on a single skill, making information easy to follow and absorb. Product details Format ...