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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2022

Ich bin was Besonderes (3808004916)

Wie spreche ich mit einem Kind/Jugendlichen über seine Diagnose "Autismus"? Mit "Ich bin was Besonderes" hat Peter Vermeulen ein Arbeitsbuch entwickelt, das Eltern, Lehrern und Therapeuten praktische Hilfestellungen und konkrete Arbeitsmaterialien an die Hand gibt, um betroffenen Kindern und Jugendlichen ihre Diagnose verständlich zu erschließen. Die sorgfältig aufeinander abgestimmten Themen erarbeitet das Kind gemeinsam mit einem Erwachsenen. Alle Materialien berücksichtigen inhaltlich und von der Gestaltung her die besondere Art, in der Kinder mit Autismus Informationen verarbeiten.Das Buch ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil umfasst neben einer Einführung in die Handhabung der Arbeitsblätter auch wichtige Hinweise zum Prozess der Diagnosevermittlung an betroffene Kinder und Jugendliche. Der zweite Teil besteht aus einer Serie von Arbeitsblättern, aus denen das Kind ein persönliches Buch über sich selbst erstellen kann. Basierend auf einer positiven Sich...

Odoo 15 Development Essentials : Enhance your Odoo development skills to create powerful business applications (9781800200067)

Become a proficient Odoo developer and increase your productivity while building Odoo business applications Key Features Set up the Odoo development environment and learn how to test and debug your code Use the ORM framework to work with data and implement business logic supporting business rules Design user interfaces, web pages, and business reports using the Odoo framework's web components Book DescriptionOdoo is fast becoming the reference open source platform for business applications thanks to the fact that it provides the infrastructure needed for developers to deliver software solutions for any business process quickly. Odoo's layered module approach makes it particularly effective for combining and extending features. This updated fifth edition is a tutorial-style introduction to essential Odoo development topics. The book starts by covering the development essentials for building business applications and takes you through Odoo installation and configuration, gradu...

The Gendered Atom : The Sexual Psychology of Science (9781870098915)

In The Gendered Atom, Theodore Roszak explores the uncharted depths of the scientific soul. There, beneath the scientist's rational, purportedly objective surface, Roszak finds a maelstrom of repressed sexual biases and gender stereotypes. Far from a purely objective view of the natural world, science down to the very conception of the atom is suffused with sexual politics. And the result, sadly, is a culture at risk from global warming, nuclear proliferation, toxic waste, genetic engineering, and more. Product details Format Paperback | 192 pages Dimensions 133 ...

The Lost World, Special Armchair Fiction Illustrated & Movie Memorabilia Edition (9781511816366)

Armchair fiction presents extra-large paperback editions of the best in classic science fiction novels. Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Lost World" is the third installment of our "Lost World-Lost Race Classics" series. It's a special edition fully illustrated and complete with bonus galleries containing movie posters and alternate paperback covers. Four Rugged explorers, beset by danger from all sides, ascended the unexplored head-waters of the mighty Amazon. Deep in the heart of the jungle they found a prehistoric inferno, a world where the laws of science and evolution had come to a grinding halt. It was THE LOST WORLD, and it was like no other place on Earth. Strange and frightening, it was a savage region ruled by prehistoric monsters of a bygone era. a place where no ordinary human could be expected to survive more than the briefest span of time... Product details ...

Sudoku Multipel : Butterfly, Cross, Flower, Gattai-3, Windmill, Samurai, Sohei - Band 2 (9783954974214)

Sudoku Multipel Verschiedene Sudoku-Varianten (Butterfly, Cross, Flower, Gattai-3, Windmill, Samurai, Sohei), bei denen die Figuren aus mehreren (3, 4 oder 5), miteinander verbundenen Einzel-Sudokus bestehen. Product details Format Paperback | 106 pages Dimensions 216 x 279 x 6mm | 263g Publication date 07 Feb 2014 ...

The Technique of the Master Eternal Visions with Children Now Fulfilled Art : God Light Life Love (9781500210748)

Those on the masters path have their children working on the eternal visions of God. Product details Format Paperback | 56 pages Dimensions 133 x 203 x 3mm | 68g Publication date 16 Jun 2014 Publisher ...

Frihetens villkor - Samtal om värden i det mångkulturella samhället (9789147093540)

"Gud har skapat oss olika, som en regnbåge. En regnbåge är en regnbåge just därför att färgerna är olika. De olika färgerna kommer samman och då får vi - en regnbåge!" Det säger sydafrikanen Desmond Tutu i ett samtal med Christian Egge i boken Frihetens villkor. Författaren Christian Egge möter 16 inflytelserika personer från olika delar av världen, från ateisten och materialisten till den djupt troende och spiritualisten. Läs mer De samtalar om huruvida människor är fria individer med möjlighet till egna val, eller om våra liv är förutbestämda, och att vi därigenom inte kan påverka våra val. Egge genomförde detta intervjuprojekt inspirerad av de övergripande humanistiska idealen i läroplanerna för obligatorisk skola i Sverige och Norge, även om den centrala frågeställningen är allmänmänsklig. Eftersom frågan om människans möjlighet till frihet, och därmed ansvar, handlar om människans väsen, vilka vi är, så bildar denna diskussion också utgångspunkt för frågan om synen på ...

Promises to Keep : A Family Close Up (9781258479985)

This book is a facsimile reprint and may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Product details Format Hardback | 252 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 16mm | 508g Publication date 15 Sep 2012 Publisher ...

Notfallradiologie (9783131500212)

Mehr Sicherheit für die Akutsituation Vom "Diensthabenden Radiologen" wird im akuten Notfall erwartet, schnell und kompetent die richtigen diagnostischen Maßnahmen vorzunehmen. Er muss Fragen nach Indikation, geeignetem Gerät, radiologischen Zeichen, Befunden, Differenzialdiagnosen, Klassifikationen und letztlich der Diagnose sicher beantworten und das in sehr kurzer Zeit. Dieses Buch soll Ärzten in Weiterbildung in der Radiologie und in anderen Fachrichtungen, die im Dienst mit radiologischen Bildern konfrontiert werden, helfen, diese Anforderungen gut zu erfüllen. Das Überlebenshandbuch für den radiologischen Not- und Bereitschaftsdienst: - konzentriert auf die wichtigsten radiologischen Fragestellungen - strukturiert nach anatomischen Regionen - umfassend bebildert, übersichtlich und kompakt - mit Tipps zur Befundinterpretation bei suboptimalem Bildmaterial - ergänzt durch konkrete klinische Informationen, wie z.B. Klassifikationen - aus der Praxis für die Praxis ...

Feasting on the Word: Year B, v. 4 : Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary, Year B, Volume 4 (9780664230999)

With this new lectionary commentary series, Westminster John Knox offers the most extensive resource for preaching on the market today. When complete, the twelve volumes of the series will cover all the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with movable occasions, such as Christmas Day, Epiphany, Holy Week, and All Saints' Day. For each lectionary text, preachers will find four brief essays--one each on the theological, pastoral, exegetical, and homiletical challenges of the text. This gives preachers sixteen different approaches to the proclaimation of the Word on any given occasion. The editors and contributors to this series are world-class scholars, pastors, and writers representing a variety of denominations and traditions. And while the twelve volumes of the series will follow the pattern of the Revised Common Lectionary, each volume will contain an index of biblical passages so that nonlectionary preachers, as well as teachers and students, may make use of its co...

Reigning Blood : A Voltaire Chronicle: Book One of the Legends of the Damned (9781478139140)

People say war never changes, right? Wrong. No history books will recount a bloody mess of bullets and fangs tearing the world apart for the better part of a decade. But this is the world Marcas Voltaire lives in. For thirteen centuries, the vampire Marcas and his compulsive, semi-psychopathic best friend Reay have done whatever they pleased. When the war came, it was unprecedented, but it wasn't such a big deal. They were warriors, after all, even a little excited by the bloodshed. At first. But then Marcas follows the tyrant Drainan into a failed assassination attempt on Allen Winchester, the human's chief military leader. With no other way out, they resort to kidnapping a lovely young woman named Victoria, Winchester's daughter. But for Marcas, Victoria's presence only tortures him, as the captive girl probes his afflicted mind in hopes to appeal to any remaining shadow of humanity- a humanity he forsook centuries ago. Then when Drainan is ostracized for crossing ...

Incredible Hercules: Smash Of The Titans (9780785139683)

When the Hulk returns to Earth for the senses-shattering events of World War Hulk, we can all guess which puny humans will fight against him. But which of Earth's heroes will fight for the Hulk? Don't miss the shocking revelations as Amadeus Cho, the boy genius who took on Reed Richards on behalf of the Hulk in Increadible Hulk #100, confronts She-Hulk and Doc Samson - and precipitates a gamma-powered smash-fest in the wilds of Jersey! Then, the dust has settled after World War Hulk and Hercules and Amadeus Cho find themselves outlaws, a situation further inflamed by Cho's grudge against the super-spy agency S.H.I.E.L.D. and Herc's feud with his estranged half-brother - Ares, god of war - who isn't above abusing his new federal clout for the sake of sibling rivalry. It's Marvel's mightiest manhunt, guest-starring Wonder Man and the Black Widow. Then, the Greek Goliath gathers the most powerful super-team ever assembled to counter-attack the Skrull gods...

My Brother's Keeper (9781543666533)

From New Zealand author Donna Malane, My Brother's Keeper is a dark and twisting mystery that leaves no stone--or page--unturned. Diane Rowe is a missing persons expert. Ex-con Karen needs Diane's help to track down her fourteen-year-old daughter, Sunny, whom she's lost contact with while she's been in prison. To Diane, this appears at first glance to be a simple case of a mother wanting to reunite with a beloved daughter. Tracking the girl down is easy. However, convincing her to meet her mother is no easy task. And at the back of Diane's mind is a nagging thought--that guilt and innocence aren't straightforward and nothing is quite what it seems. Does Karen really want to fix the wrongs of the past or is there something darker at play here that will take all of Diane's skills to uncover? Product details Format ...

The Merry Monarch; Or, England Under Charles II. Its Art, Literature and Society Volume 2 (9781356086139)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation...

Erbschaftsteuer (9783406696367)

Zum Werk Das Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuerrecht ist ein Rechtsgebiet mit vielfältigen Querbezügen, allen voran zum Erbrecht, Familienrecht und Handelsrecht. Es ist eng mit dem erbschaftsteuerlichen Bewertungsrecht für Immobilien, gewerbliches Vermögen und Kapitalvermögen verzahnt. Das Werk vermittelt die erforderlichen Kenntnisse, um die erbschaftsteuerrechtlichen Regeln durch richtige Gestaltung bei der Erbnachfolge oder bei lebzeitigen Schenkungen gewinnbringend anwenden zu können. Dieses Lehrbuch beschreitet einen neuen Weg: Es führt den rechtskundigen Leser ohne spezielle fachliche Vorkenntnisse problemorientiert, fallbezogen und verständlich in das erbschaftsteuerliche Denken ein und zeigt auf, wie die komplexe Mechanik der Wertermittlung und Steuerberechnung sowie Steuerfestsetzung bei der Erbschaftsteuer funktioniert und worauf es in der Praxis der Erbschaftsbesteuerung wirklich ankommt. Vorteil auf einen Blick Das komplette Erbschaft-/Schenkungsteuerrecht mit der erbschafts...

Dogs Perros (Pets LAS Mascotas) (9781515860945)

Pets! We love them, and we take good care of them. Learn all about what dogs need to be happy and loving pets. Las mascotas Las amamos y las cuidamos mucho. Aprende todo sobre que necesitan los Perros para estar felices y ser mascotas carinosas. Product details Format Board book | 20 pages Dimensions 152 x 178 x 12.7mm | 158.76g Publication date ...

La Magia de las Piedras y los Cristales (9788497779036)

This compendium of the magical uses of stones and crystals underlines the differences between these minerals. The readers can learn in this book, a complete a useful guide, how these crystals are chosen, cleansed and programmed, how they are used for healing purposes, and how they may be used to open and energize the chakras. Product details Format Hardback | 216 pages Dimensions 124 x 196 x 18mm | 136g ...

Penguin Readers Level 7: Tales of the Greek Heroes (ELT Graded Reader) (9780241431009)

Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online. Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary. Visit the Penguin Readers website Exclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys. Learn all about the mysterious and exciting legends of...

Marvel's Captain Marvel: The Art Of The Movie (9781302915278)

Go behind the scenes of the highly anticipated Captain Marvel film with this latest in Marvel's ART OF series! Ace Air Force pilot Carol Danvers becomes one of the universe's most powerful heroes when Earth is caught in the middle of a galactic war between two alien races. This collectible volume is full of exclusive concept art and interviews with the creators behind Marvel's first solo super heroine. Product details Format Hardback | 240 pages Dimensions 270 x 300 x 27.94mm ...

Client-side Red Hat Linux : Introductory Concepts and Techniques (9780789559555)

Part of the Shelly Cashman Series, this text provides introductory coverage for learning Red Hat Client-Side Linux skills. Product details Format Hardback | 320 pages Dimensions 215 x 275mm Publication date 01 Oct 2000 Publisher ...

Fathered by God : Learning What Your Dad Could Never Teach You (9781400280278)

In an age when fathers are more important than ever, how do you embark on your journey to manhood and know how to steer clear of the dangers along the way? In Fathered by God, New York Times bestselling author John Eldredge reminds us that there's a path to masculinity and, best of all, there's a loving Father ready to help us follow it. In Fathered by God, Eldredge calls men back to a simple and reassuring truth: God is our Father, and he wants to show us what masculinity really means. Eldredge teaches us that there's a path leading to authentic manhood, cut by generation after generation of men. There are perils along the trail, even disasters--all the more reason to rely on the guidance of a Father who has gone before us. A boy has a lot to learn in his journey to becoming a man, and it takes the active intervention of father figures and the fellowship of other men to guide us along the way. Eldredge shares that in all of life's trials and triumphs, God is initiat...

Evidence of Mercy (9780310200154)

The plane crash nearly ended Lynda's life. Was it an accident or sabotage? Lynda Barrett, a young lawyer, hates to sell her plane, but she can no longer afford to keep it. Enter Jake Stevens: wealthy, arrogant, and interested in buying Lynda's beloved Piper. Together, he and Lynda embark on a test flight that ends in disaster--hurling them into a terrifying sequence of events. One thing becomes clear: Someone is out to get Lynda . . . someone who will not be satisfied until she is dead. This riveting novel takes the reader on a suspense-filled flight into a world where the dark side of human nature meets with a higher power . . . where love finds root in the midst of hatred's savagery . . . and where terrifying and uncontrollable circumstances become the unlikely catalysts for forgiveness and faith. Evidence of Mercy is book one in the Sun Coast Chronicles by award-winning author Terri Blackstock. From absorbing legal drama to lightning-paced action, the Sun Coast Chronic...

The Wizard of Oz Hardcover : The Classic Edition (Childhood Favorites, Book to Movie, Classic Childrens Book, Magic and Fantasy, Gifts for Families, New York Times Bestseller Illustrator) (9781604335422)

"We're off to see the Wizard! The wonderful Wizard of Oz!" In this gorgeously illustrated, classic hardcover edition of The Wizard of Oz, readers of all ages will follow the Yellow Brick Road. It's an unforgettable and colorful journey that takes us from Dorothy's gray Kansas home into the blue Munchkin land; the sparkling bejeweled Emerald City; the dark, foreboding forest; and the ruby-red throne room of Glinda the Good Witch. This Classic Edition of The Wizard of Oz is a must-have for every family's library and features: - A beautifully designed hardcover - A child-friendly retelling that remains faithful to L. Frank Baum's original text - Lavish illustrations by renowned, New York Times #1 Bestselling artist Charles Santore, the critically-acclaimed illustrator of multiple classic tales, including The Night Before Christmas, The Velveteen Rabbit, The Classic Tale of Peter Rabbit, and Aesop's Fables The work of New York Times bestselling chil...

A Way Into Scholasticism : A Companion to St. Bonaventure's the Soul's Journey Into God (9781608997718)

Synopsis: St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio's The Soul's Journey into God is a masterpiece of thirteenth-century Scholasticism. Unfortunately no comprehensive analysis of Bonaventure's seminal treatise exists that is accessible to contemporary audiences. Reinvigorating the medieval tradition of critical commentary for the twenty-first century, Peter Dillard's A Way into Scholasticism: A Companion to St. Bonaventure's The Soul's Journey into God introduces readers to basic Scholastic concepts and arguments by expounding and evaluating Bonaventure's speculative system. Dillard also highlights the relevance of Bonaventure's thought for contemporary philosophical theology. The book will appeal to a wide audience including seminarians, clergy, brothers and sisters of religious orders, students at the advanced undergraduate or graduate levels, professional scholars, and anyone seeking a better understanding of the Scholastic intellectual tradition. Endorsem...

Famine Relief in Warlord China (9780674241138)

Famine Relief in Warlord China is a reexamination of disaster responses during the greatest ecological crisis of the pre-Nationalist Chinese republic. In 1920-1921, drought and ensuing famine devastated more than 300 counties in five northern provinces, leading to some 500,000 deaths. Long credited to international intervention, the relief effort, Pierre Fuller shows, actually began from within Chinese social circles. Indigenous action from the household to the national level, modeled after Qing-era relief protocol, sustained the lives of millions of the destitute in Beijing, in the surrounding districts of Zhili (Hebei) Province, and along the migrant and refugee trail in Manchuria, all before joint foreign-Chinese international relief groups became a force of any significance. Using district gazetteers, stele inscriptions, and the era's vibrant Chinese press, Fuller reveals how a hybrid civic sphere of military authorities working with the public mobilized aid and coordinated mig...

The Image of the Black in Western Art: Volume IV From the American Revolution to World War I: Slaves and Liberators: New Edition Part 1 (9780674052598)

In the 1960s, art patron Dominique de Menil founded an image archive showing the ways that people of African descent have been represented in Western art. Highlights from her collection appeared in three large-format volumes that quickly became collector's items. A half-century later, Harvard University Press and the Du Bois Institute are proud to publish a complete set of ten sumptuous books, including new editions of the original volumes and two additional ones. Slaves and Liberators looks at the political implications of the representation of Africans, from the earliest discussions of the morality of slavery, through the rise of abolitionism, to the imposition of European imperialism on Africa. Popular imagery and great works, like Gericault's Raft of the Medusa and Turner's Slave Ship, are considered in depth, casting light on widely differing European responses to Africans and their descendants. Product details ...