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Ich bin was Besonderes (3808004916)

Wie spreche ich mit einem Kind/Jugendlichen über seine Diagnose "Autismus"? Mit "Ich bin was Besonderes" hat Peter Vermeulen ein Arbeitsbuch entwickelt, das Eltern, Lehrern und Therapeuten praktische Hilfestellungen und konkrete Arbeitsmaterialien an die Hand gibt, um betroffenen Kindern und Jugendlichen ihre Diagnose verständlich zu erschließen. Die sorgfältig aufeinander abgestimmten Themen erarbeitet das Kind gemeinsam mit einem Erwachsenen. Alle Materialien berücksichtigen inhaltlich und von der Gestaltung her die besondere Art, in der Kinder mit Autismus Informationen verarbeiten.Das Buch ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil umfasst neben einer Einführung in die Handhabung der Arbeitsblätter auch wichtige Hinweise zum Prozess der Diagnosevermittlung an betroffene Kinder und Jugendliche. Der zweite Teil besteht aus einer Serie von Arbeitsblättern, aus denen das Kind ein persönliches Buch über sich selbst erstellen kann. Basierend auf einer positiven Sich...

Broadcasting Happinesss : The Science of Igniting and Sustaining Positive Change (9781941631300)

Broadcasting Happiness will "inspire you and change your life." --Parade Magazine We are all broadcasters. As managers, colleagues, parents and friends, we are constantly transmitting information to the people around us, and the messages we choose to broadcast create success or hold us back. What's your broadcast? New research from the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience shows that small shifts in the way we communicate can create big ripple effects on business and educational outcomes, including 31 percent higher productivity, 25 percent better performance ratings, 37 percent higher sales, and 23 percent lower levels of stress. In Broadcasting Happiness, Michelle Gielan, former national CBS News anchor turned positive psychology researcher, shows you how changing your broadcast changes your power by sharing jaw-dropping stories and incredible research. Learn Michelle's simple research-based communication habits that have been featured in her PBS program Inspire Happiness and Oprah's 21 Days to Happiness class.
Broadcasting Happiness will help you: - Inoculate your brain against stress and negativity by fact-checking challenges - Drive success by leading a conversation or communication with positivity - Rewrite debilitating thought patterns and turn them into fuel for resilience and growth - Deal with negative people in a way that lessens their power - Share bad news more effectively to increase future social capital - Create and sustain a positive culture at work or home by creating contagious optimism - Help the people you care about most move from negative to positive in seconds Broadcasting Happiness showcases how real individuals and organizations have used these techniques to achieve results that include increasing revenues by hundreds of millions of dollars, raising a school district's graduation rate by 45 percent, and shifting family gatherings from toxic to thriving. Changing your broadcast can change your life, your success, and the lives of others around you. Broadcasting Happiness will show you how!

Product details

  • Hardback | 224 pages
  • 159 x 236 x 25mm | 488g
  • Dallas, United States
  • English
  • 1941631304
  • 9781941631300
  • 558,383

Download Broadcasting Happinesss : The Science of Igniting and Sustaining Positive Change (9781941631300).pdf, available at for free.



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Business Partner B2+ Teacher's Book and MyEnglishLab Pack (9781292237213)

The Teacher's Book contains: Teaching lesson notes including warm-ups, alternative suggestions, background and culture notes Business brief for every unit with information on the unit topic and explanations of key terminology Photocopiable activities - two per unit with teaching notes Reading bank - an extended reading text for every unit with comprehension activities Writing bank - models of different types of business writing with useful phrases Functional language bank - useful phrases for different business situations, e.g. meetings, interviews Video and audio scripts Answer keys The access code for MyEnglishLab is in the Teacher's Book: Interactive Workbook including learning management system to assign homework and see common errors Student digital resources Teacher's Book resources Answer keys Photocopiable activities and teaching notes Reading bank Writing bank Functional language bank Tests Unit tests (pdfs and Word), including exam task types (BE...

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Comedy Writing for Late-Night TV : How to Write Monologue Jokes, Desk Pieces, Sketches, Parodies, Audience Pieces, Remotes, and Other Short-Form Comedy (9780615953892)

He has written and produced comedy/talk shows for over fifteen years. Now four-time Emmy winner Joe Toplyn reveals his proven methods of writing for late-night television in this one-of-a-kind insider's guide. Toplyn analyzes each type of comedy piece in the late-night TV playbook and takes you step-by-step through the process of writing it. His detailed tips, techniques, and rules include: - 6 characteristics every good monologue joke topic must have - 6 specific ways to generate punch lines - 12 tools for making your jokes their funniest - 7 types of desk pieces and how to create them - 9 steps to writing parodies and other sketches - How to go after a writing job in late night - PLUS a complete sample comedy/talk show submission packet Also use this comprehensive manual to write short-form comedy for the Internet, sketch shows, magazines, reality shows, radio, advertising, and any other medium. Product details ...